Month: March 2023

What should we do with Generative AI? It’s elementary, Dear Data.

What should we do with Generative AI? It’s elementary, Dear Data.

It’s December 5th, 1988. As a 12-year-old, I stare intently into the screen of our 27-inch Sharp tube TV at an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. The scene unfolds with Lieutenant Commander Data, an android with brilliant artificial intelligence, instructing the ship’s computer to generate an original Sherlock Holmes-like story within the holodeck—a […]

Holistic Sales Enablement

Is Your Revenue Engine Running on Empty? Don’t Get Left Behind… Invest in a Holistic Sales Enablement Strategy to Drive Your Sales Performance.   Your sales team is your revenue engine… but do you have the right strategy, structure and tools in place to enable your salespeople to exceed their goals and drive your bottom line?   Companies […]

Holistic Sales Enablement