What should we do with Generative AI? It’s elementary, Dear Data.

It's December 5th, 1988. As a 12-year-old, I stare intently into the screen of our 27-inch Sharp tube TV at an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. The scene unfolds with Lieutenant Commander Data, an android with brilliant artificial intelligence, instructing the ship's computer to generate an original Sherlock Holmes-like story within the holodeck—a challenge tailored to his unique abilities. The computer weaves an enthralling tale, replete with era-appropriate language, scenery, and interactions. In "Elementary, Dear Data," we witness a fascinating dance between three AI entities: Data, the ship's computer, and the holodeck antagonist, Professor Moriarty.

Fast forward 35 years, and here I sit, conversing with ChatGPT 4, an AI language model. I pose a question: "Can you help me prepare for an executive strategy session focused on planning for the impact of generative AI in our business?" We may not have reached holodeck-level immersion yet, but I find myself in awe, engaging with an AI that crafts bespoke content just for me through interactive dialogue.

With a response worthy of Lieutenant Commander Data himself, ChatGPT 4 responds with an outline that fuels my imagination. Is the advice universally applicable? Perhaps not. Nonetheless, the content is amazingly useful and sets the stage for an exhilarating exploration of generative AI's potential.

As I embark on this adventure, I'm guided by curiosity as a geek and as a strategic planner for business technology changes. Investigating various industries and pondering how generative AI could transform business models may be the most important conversation happening at this moment. Is it time to welcome our own personal Data into our lives, helping us navigate both work and life challenges?

The journey ahead requires the integration of generative AI into our strategic planning. Establishing goals, allocating resources, and devising a roadmap will steer us through uncharted territory. To succeed, we need a talented crew of trusted AI experts, collaborations with AI-focused organizations, and internal innovation hubs to drive progress.

However, we must also be aware of potential risks, such as data privacy, bias, and security. By establishing ethical guidelines and maintaining transparency, we can ensure a responsible approach to AI adoption. Can you imagine being presented with Lieutenant Commander Data as your very own resource and turning him away because of fear of the unknown? Many are seeing this advance for exactly what it is -- amazing technology that is rapidly exceeding the impact any single person could have without such amazing tools on standby.

As we venture into the unknown, the excitement of discovery rekindles my own childlike wonder watching Data’s powers of deduction as he learns more about human nature and his own limitations - all while improving his ability to interact with crewmates. Will embracing artificial intelligence as a partner on our journey unlock new horizons, teach us more about humanity, and help achieve the previously unthinkable?

Who's ready to join the adventure and boldly go where no one has gone before?