Category: Digital

Having Your Cake and Eating It Too Part 3: Scoring the Perfect Blend

Having Your Cake and Eating It Too Part 3: Scoring the Perfect Blend

The art of balancing technology and the human element is where successful change management thrives. Just as a cake’s taste is perfected through careful blending and adjustment, organizations can achieve their desired outcomes by harmonizing shared decision-making, roles and hand-offs, transparency, and adaptability. It is in this delicate balance that the magic of change unfolds.

Piloting Generative AI in Corporate Functions

Piloting Generative AI in Corporate Functions

Introduction Organizations are embarking on groundbreaking journeys to pilot Generative AI capabilities with hopes of harnessing scaling the reach and effectiveness. What are the best candidates for this technology in a corporate environment? Unlike previous predictive analytic implementations, Generative AI capabilities are usually focused on content creation. To identify the most suitable use cases, first, […]

How CIO’s Can Unleash the Power of AI in Enterprise Digital Transformation

As CIOs navigate the ever-evolving landscape of digital transformation, harnessing the power of AI becomes paramount. Building upon previous insights, this strategic action plan provides CIOs with a roadmap to leverage AI effectively and drive organizational success. 1. Embrace AI as a Strategic Imperative Recognize AI as a transformative force that can revolutionize your organization. […]

How CIO’s Can Unleash the Power of AI in Enterprise Digital Transformation
What should we do with Generative AI? It’s elementary, Dear Data.

What should we do with Generative AI? It’s elementary, Dear Data.

It’s December 5th, 1988. As a 12-year-old, I stare intently into the screen of our 27-inch Sharp tube TV at an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. The scene unfolds with Lieutenant Commander Data, an android with brilliant artificial intelligence, instructing the ship’s computer to generate an original Sherlock Holmes-like story within the holodeck—a […]

The Rise of Generative AI

The Rise of Generative AI

These are exiting times. The announcement of the MS Teams and ChatGPT integration is a great controlled implementation of generative AI, but as these technologies begin to proliferate, I find myself spending a lot more time thinking about when and how they will begin to impact organizations. – Based on current processes, where could NLP […]