Tag Archives: organizational change

What should we do with Generative AI? It’s elementary, Dear Data.

What should we do with Generative AI? It’s elementary, Dear Data.

It’s December 5th, 1988. As a 12-year-old, I stare intently into the screen of our 27-inch Sharp tube TV at an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. The scene unfolds with Lieutenant Commander Data, an android with brilliant artificial intelligence, instructing the ship’s computer to generate an original Sherlock Holmes-like story within the holodeck—a […]

The Rise of Generative AI

The Rise of Generative AI

These are exiting times. The announcement of the MS Teams and ChatGPT integration is a great controlled implementation of generative AI, but as these technologies begin to proliferate, I find myself spending a lot more time thinking about when and how they will begin to impact organizations. – Based on current processes, where could NLP […]